
As Japan & Australia strengthen bilateral ties through continued military cooperation and joint interests in the Indo-Pacific, the ADM Australia-Japan Defence Summit will explore a deepening defence partnership, supporting industry engagement and addressing regional security challenges together.

Key themes:

  • Regional security and joint approaches to common challenges
  • Joint military operations and training
  • Defence capability and industry partnerships
  • Collaborative research and development in emerging technologies
  • Japan’s role in AUKUS – exploring potential areas of partnership

The summit will bring together key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to consider opportunities for greater defence collaboration. Exploring how Australia and Japan can work together to achieve common objectives.



Host Partner



Strengthening the alliance between Japan and Australia


Opening Remarks from the Chair


Keynote Ministerial Address: Enhancing the bilateral defence cooperation between Japan and Australia

  • Working together for a free and open Indo-Pacific
  • Maintaining our interests in the East China Sea and South China Sea
  • Ensuring peace in the Taiwan Straits
  • Strengthening the defence capability in the region
  • Promoting dialogue and dealing with disinformation


Keynote Ministerial Address: Towards a collective deterrence and stability in the Indo-Pacific

  • Enhancing our air engagement. Greater people to people links and establishing more training exercises
  • Opportunities for the deployment of Japanese amphibious troops in Darwin
  • Strengthening the coordination of command and control
  • Working with other like-minded countries to maintain and strengthen the rules based international order


Keynote Address: The requirements to bolster Defense Capability and the role industry can play in helping us achieve this

  • Achieving and maintaining a 2% GDP Defense spend. Is this sustainable?
  • Outlining key capability requirements and the procurement pipeline and pathway
  • Japan’s Defense Buildup Program. Where are we at?
  • Building Japan’s counterstrike capabilities
  • Developing Autonomous Defense capabilities


Keynote Industry Address: Delivering Capability for Japan and Australia

  • Meeting the challenges to produce advanced capabilities on-time and on-budget
  • Developing a robust, agile and transformative workforce
  • Addressing global skilling challenges, a declining Japanese population and inflationary pressures
  • Working effectively with Japanese SMEs and universities to deliver world-leading capability


Morning tea

Keeping the Region Safe


Understanding the security risk in the region

  • Where are the threats coming from and how will they present themselves?
  • Curbing China’s aggression in the East and South China Seas
  • The impact of the North Korea/Russia Alliance
  • Prospects for peace in the next 10, 20 years


Maritime security issues in East Asia

  • Assessing China’s maritime expansion and the threat to the rules-based order
  • Synergising military initiatives such as the QUAD, AUKUS, ARF, and ADMM
  • The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on East Asian maritime


Panel Discussion: Assessing the maritime challenges in the region

  • Navigating complex waters
  • Resolving territorial disputes
  • Improving interoperability
  • Advancing maritime safety


The alignment of the ADF and JSDF across air, ground, sea and cyber domains

  • The path and challenges for joint logistical operations
  • An expansion of joint training exercises. The experience so far and plans for development
    • Pitch Black
    • Orient Shield
    • Exercise Keen Edge
    • Exercise Yama Sakura
    • Exercise Bushido Guardian



Delivering Japan’s Defense Capability


Breaking down Japan’s commitment to double its Defence and national security spending

  • Understanding “Senshu Bouei” and the importance of self-defense
  • Assessing The National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and the Defense Buildup Plan
  • Opportunities for industry to deliver capability


Understanding Japan’s Defence Procurement System

  • The need to create a focussed strategy aligned to Japan’s requirements and appreciating the complex nature and challenges operating in Japan
  • Investing in local partnerships for long-term success
  • Key factors that will help determine successful delivery of future capability


Case Study; Successfully operating an International Defence business in Japan

  • Understanding and appreciating the cultural differences
  • Forging long-term, successful partnerships with local suppliers and university researchers
  • How the Japanese experience has transformed other international offices


Panel Discussion: Delivering Japan’s future capability

  • Major challenges faced in delivering the National Defense strategy
  • Forging best-practice partnerships and alignments to deliver future capability
  • Addressing skilling concerns
  • Accessing global supply chains


Afternoon Tea

Australia and Japan Defence Industry Collaboration


Opportunities for collaboration with Australian companies

  • Exploring dual-use technologies
  • Supply chain integration
  • Secure date sharing arrangements
  • Joint manufacturing


Enhancing Strategic Capabilities in robotic and autonomous systems for undersea warfare

  • Delivering a bilateral research, test and evaluation project between Japan’s Acquisition Technology and Logistics Agency and Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Group
  • The story so far. Challenges faced. Hurdles overcome
  • Building a foundation for future joint research in robotics and collaborative autonomy


Closing session: Putting the J into AUKUS

  • How adding Japan into AUKUS will enhance security and peacekeeping in the Indo-Pacific
  • The expertise and knowhow Japan can bring to Pillar two advanced capabilities
  • Taking advantage of world-leading companies in semiconductors, robotics and machine learning
  • Learning from Japan’s advanced manufacturing sector, now contributing 20% to the country’s GDP.


Networking Drinks


*SME is defined as organisation with fewer than 200 employees worldwide, including parent company, regardless of structure.

**Department of Defence/ADF attend for free. Please register for ADF/Dept Defence pass by emailing [email protected].

Packages Full Rate
Conference pass – Standard Industry Rate $1,195 + GST
Conference pass – SME Defence Contractors $695 + GST

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

Want to promote your organisation to the leaders of the defence industry? Our sponsorship and exhibition packages can be customised according to your business requirements.

To seek more information please contact:

Andrew Sinkovich
Sponsorship & Exhibition Sales Manager
+61 (2) 9080 4308
[email protected]


Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Sydney
27 O’Connell St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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