The Townsville Defence Forum will be a localised policy-driven forum. The event will focus on fostering relationships between government, PRIMEs & SMEs to deliver Australia’s sovereign capability and act as a driver for the region’s economy. It will assess how best SMEs can enter supply chains, look at current and emerging opportunities for contracting with Defence, and analyse the skilling requirements that will enable the region to thrive as a future Defence Industry hub.
Phillip Thompson OAM MP
Federal Member for Herbert
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Industry
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Personnel
BRIG Andrew Moss
Director General – Career Management, Australian Army
Col Ben McLennan
Commander of the Combat Training Centre, Australian Army
Emily Hall
Assistant Secretary – Defence Export Controls, Department of Defence
John Coyne
Head of Northern Australia Strategic Policy Centre, ASPI
Raelene Lockhorst
Deputy Director – Professional Development Centre, ASPI
Brendan Sowry
General Manager – Defence,
CPB Construction
Erin Kiernan
Manager – Defence Industry Hub – North Queensland, Department of State Development Queensland
Stephen Land
Chief Investment Officer, Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF)
Claudia Brumme-Smith
Chief Executive Officer, Townsville Enterprise
Mick Ferguson
Defence Engagement Lead, Townsville City Council
John Caligari
Chair of the Board of Directors, Oasis Townsville
Stuart Blackwell
Claire Maradani
Managing Director, Workforce Abundance
Rhys Hannan
Group Defence Manager,
Symal Group
Peta Nightingale
Director – Force Posture Initiatives Branch – International Policy Division, Department of Defence
John Welsh
Executive General Manager,
NQ Spark
LTCOL John Venz
Project Director – Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Branch, Department of Defence
Shane “Buzz” Sarlin
Co-Founder & Principal Designer President, Buzzworks
Intract Australia would like to welcome delegates to attend the official Townsville office opening on Tuesday 6th August from 7pm.
The office is located at Unit 1 34-36 Auscan Crescent, Garbutt QLD 4184.
It will be a night of networking with Woodoven Pizzas to keep everyone fed. Drinks are also provided.
RSVP to [email protected]
Please advise if you require transport to the yard as Intract will provide a bus from The Ville Hotel.
CONFERENCE DAY ONE | Wednesday 7th August 2024
Registration opens
Welcome from the Australian Defence Magazine
OPENING | Opening remarks from the Chair
Shane “Buzz” Sarlin, Co-Founder & Principal Designer President, Buzzworks
Phil Thompson OAM MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence, Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Industry, Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Personnel & Federal Member for Herbert
KEYNOTE | US Force Posture Initiatives and the Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative
- Achievements across both initiatives
- Shoalwater Bay Training Area
- Next steps and agreed government activities
Peta Nightingale, Director – Force Posture Initiatives Branch – International Policy Division, Department of Defence
LTCOL John Venz, Project Director – Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Branch, Department of Defence
Addressing Strategic Challenges in the Pacific and Townsville’s Role
- Identifying defence challenges faced in the pacific and by pacific nations
- How can Townsville contribute to addressing these challenges?
- Strategic significance of force projection into the pacific
John Coyne, Head of Northern Australia Strategic Policy Centre, ASPI
NQ SPARK – A Regional and National Simulation Centre of Excellence
- It’s a lofty title, what does it mean
- Local industry and beyond
- Opportunities for engagement
- Realising the vision
John Welsh, Executive General Manager, NQ Spark
Welcome to Morning Tea
Stuart Blackwell, Director, QDSA
Morning Tea & Networking Break
CASE STUDY | Successfully accessing Defence prime supply chains: Opportunities and challenges arising from TEi Service’s work with Hanwha
- Capability to expand local manufacturing processes
- Skills and workforce requirements; how will these challenges be met?
- Growth opportunities for TEi Services and other partners in the supply chain
Adam Packer, Director, TEi Services
Investment in North Queensland infrastructure
- North Queensland’s current capacity to deliver infrastructure projects
- NAIF’s investment highlights; assessing various projects across transport, health, defence and education
- Strategies for promoting economic growth in the region
- Demand for social infrastructure to support a growing population and a significant increase in Army personnel
Stephen Land, Chief Investment Officer, Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility
PANEL | Challenges and Opportunities for Local Industry Engaging with Defence and Participating in Defence Projects
- Supporting and nurturing local businesses attempting to access defence supply chains
- Future economic value of defence to the local community
- Developing partnerships and accelerating innovation
Erin Kiernan, Manager – Defence Industry Hub – North Queensland, Department of State Development Queensland
Brendan Sowry, General Manager – Defence, CPB Construction
Aymon Vagulans, General Manager, NEM Group
Welcome to Lunch
Rhys Hannan – Group Defence Manager, Symal Group
Understanding the global workforce
- Past, present and future workforce demands
- Effectively integrating into workplaces and communities
- Workforce supply market
- Challenges for regional Australia
Claire Maradani, Managing Director, Workforce Abundance
Navigating Army Career Management and Post-Service Opportunities
- Programs and support systems for skill enhancement and leadership training
- Balancing strategic priorities and military responsibilities with personal growth and opportunities
- Resources available for transition from military to civilian careers and vice versa
BRIG Andrew Moss, Director General – Career Management, Australian Army
Social and strategic ramifications of force posture pivots
- Challenges delivering sufficient social and economic infrastructure
- Creating employment opportunities for Defence personnel’s families
- Outlining the cost of large scale relocations and what are the risks?
Raelene Lockhorst, Deputy Director – Professional Development Centre, ASPI
KEYNOTE | Townsville’s Growing Importance as the ‘Capital’ of the Australian Army
- The role of 3rd brigade in Australian Defence strategy
- Expanding Army’s littoral capability
- Local industry requirements to support Army’s growing presence
Col Ben McLennan, Commander of the Combat Training Centre, Australian Army
PANEL | Supporting Defence Families and Community Integration
- Facilitating smooth transitions for Defence personnel and their families during relocations and deployments
- Accommodating a growing number of Defence personnel
- Exploring opportunities for family members and veterans to work in local defence industry
- Addressing challenges stemming from rapid population growth
- Encouraging Defence personnel to stay in the region after leaving the ADF
John Caligari, Chair of the Board of Directors, Oasis Townsville
Claudia Brumme-Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Townsville Enterprise
Mick Ferguson, Defence Engagement Lead, Townsville City Council
Afternoon Tea & Networking Break
- Learn about DSGL Technology – What is it?
- Self-Assessment – How can you do it?
- Joining the AUKUS Community – What steps are involved?
- Exporting in a new context – How will Defence support you in your compliance obligations?
Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets
- Overview of the SAMS legislation
Claire Konno, Director, Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets – Security Policy and Services, Department of Defence
Joint Q&A |
Emily Hall, Assistant Secretary – Defence Export Controls, Department of Defence
Claire Konno, Director, Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets – Security Policy and Services, Department of Defence
Closing Remarks from the Chair
Shane “Buzz” Sarlin, Co-Founder & Principal Designer President, Buzzworks
End of Conference & Networking Drinks
ConnectMe • Networking enhanced
All of our events utilise a bespoke dynamic smartphone app, ConnectMe – which guarantees attendees a premium event experience. Logins are sent prior to the conference commencement allowing you to check who’s attending, schedule in meetings and catch ups, participate in live Q+A and interactive polls, and much more. ConnectMe ensures you never miss a beat prior, during and post event.
The Ville Resort-Casino
Sir Leslie Thiess Dr, Townsville QLD 4810
(07) 4722 2333